
In the name of God Amen the xxx day of October A dom 1555 I Sr Henrye Strodwyck Vicar of Estdean in the countye of Sussex do make thys my last wyll & testamt in mann & form followyng

Ffyrst I bequeth my Soulle to allmyghtye god & my bodye to be buryed in the north syde of the chancell of the pyshe churche of Estdean aforsayd

It I gyve to the to the Vicar of Ffryston my Shorte gown & all my books & my Typett

It I give to Mr Selwyn a basin & an ewer and all my geyse

It To Vicar a Ffenell a cote & a shyrt & to his wyff a shyrte

It I wyll to be dystrybuted to each poore houshold in Estdean 12d

And to each of the pyshe preistes that shall come to say masse at my buryall 20d & theyr dyner

And at my dyryge poore folk to have brod & chese & the day of my buryall a shepe to be bestowed amonges theym in the church

Itm I bequeth to xxx xxxx one yron pott a payr of shetes a platter & candlestycke & a sawcer

It I wyll to my xxxman 12d

The resydue of my goods not bequethed my deptes payd & charges ordynarye & necessarye to be done I gyve and bequeth to Mr Selwyn whom I mak & ordayn to be my executor to be bestowed at hys dyscrecon

Wytness of the makyng of this wyll Aldwyn Hammet, Vicar of Ffryston, Agnes a Ffenell & other

X mark of Hennricus Strodwyck

Probatum January 30th 1555