
William Strudwicke of Kirdford 1613 – Chichester Wills (Orig T171)

(Parts of this will are obscured and the ends of some lines are missing)

In the name of God Amen the fyfth day of September in Anno dom 1613 I William Strudwyk of Idehurst in the parishe of Kerdforde in the County of Sussex yeoman being sicke in bodye but of pfect memory (prayse be God) doe ordayne & make this my Testament – herein my last will in manner and fforme followinge (That ys to saye)

first I comend my soule into the handes of Almightie God my Creator in Sure and certaine hope of resurrection to eternall life – alone mercie & mediacon of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour & my bodie to be the earthe

Item I give to the Cathedrall Churche of Chichester iiij d

Item I gyve and bequeath unto George Strudwicke my third son ? hundreth pounds of lawfull money of England

Item I gyve to Robert Strudwick my youngest son one hundreth pounds of like lawfull money & my will ys that my Executors or their assignes whom [I] heereafter nominate shall have the bringinge upp of them untill they shall paye them their [?]- porcons which I appoint to be att the Age of one & twentie yeres

Item I gyve and bequeath unto Margaret Strudwicke my eldest daughter one hundreth poundes

Item I gyve & bequeath unto Katherine(?) Strudwicke Ann Strudwick Elizabeth Strudwyke & Marie Strudwicke my younger daughters to every one of them the some of one hundreth poundes & my minde & will ys that my sayd Executors or their assignes shall have the bringing upp of all my sayde daughters until they & evrye of them shall accomplishe theyr sevrall ages of one & twentie yeres att wch sayde tyme I will and appointe that my sayd Executors or their assignes shall paye them their sayde porcons above bequeathed

And my (missing) and meaning heerein ys that all the porcons above bequeathed unto my sayde sonnes & daughters (missing) payde out of my gooddes landes Tenements hereditaments & ffory(?) with the Appertenance (missing) in Kerdforde and Wisboroughe Greene

And my will & further meaning ys that my sayde Exec (missing) after named shall within one yeare after my deceasse gyve sufficient securitie unto my overseers (missing) I doe hereafter nominate for the payeing and pforming of all the sayd Legacies and porcons above bequeathed for my sayde sonnes & daughters in manner & fforme above lymited

Item I give and bequeath unto Henry Strudwyke my second sonne (after he shall accomplishe the Age of foure snd twentie yeres) All my landes Teneme and hereditaments called or knowen by by the name or names of Bealehouse & Bealeland in Kerdeforde aforesayd with all buildinges thereunto belonginge with thapptennce unto him the said Henry Strudwicke & his heyres for ever and also all my right tytle & interest which I have in the landes called Benyfolde in Kerdforde aforesayd.

All rest and residue of my landes Tenementes & hereditaments with the Appurtennces unbequeathed I gyve and bequeath unto Willyam Strudwycke my eldest son and his heires for ever

And I doo make & ordaine Anne Strudwick my loving wiffe and the saide Willyam Strudwicke my eldest sonne whole Executors of thys my last will & testament

And I Require Mr William Milles esq my loveing brother Mr John Smyth of Wassalls esq & William Strudwick of Hillsgreene my kinseman to be overseers heereof and I doe give to everyone of them (their lawful charges being – – them) ten shillings

In wytness whereof have hereunto sett my hand & seal ye daye of the yere above named /// William Strudwick (his mark)

Sealed signed & delivered in the psence of us

Evan Haydock, Willm Wisden Robert

Srudwick & Peter hoggesflesche