Herringman 543

Herringman 543.

THOMAS RUSSELL the elder of Hurste, in par. of Worplesdon, yeoman.

14 Aug., 1595.

Youngest dau. Alice Russell.

Son Abraham.

Son William, apprentice of John Crane of Guildford.

Sister Alice Marten widow. Caldron of red bellen brass.

Son John Russell.

Dau. Joane, Wife of John Strudwicke.

Dau. Agnes, Wife of Thomas Slyfeild.

Suzan Slyfeild.

Son James Russell Executor.
Overseers, friend Phillippe Champion and brother-in-law Thomas Crosse.
Witn. William Champion, John Knight, Philip Champion, scr., and Thomas Crosse.
Proved 9 Sept., 1600. [fo. 303.

Note to entry 543: See Surrey Marriages Volume V, for marriage entry of John Strydewike to Jone Russell, 1st July, 1582 at Worplesdon.