
Henry Strudwycke of Kirdford 1557 Chichester wills Vol 9 Page 1b

Note: several parts of this will are badly faded.

In the name of god in the year of our Lord god (faded) I Henry Strudwick of Kirdford in the countie of Sussex yoman sick in body but of good rememberance (faded) faithfully performed (faded) this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following

ffirst y comend and bequethe my soule unto almyghtie god and will my bodie to be buried in the churchyarde of Kirdford aforesaid at the will and descretion of my executrix and overseers under named

Item y give and will to the poore people to be delyvered to them at my buriall and at my monthes days xxs

Item y give to the Cathedrall Churche of Chichester iiij d

Item y give to the high Alter of the parish that I dwell in iiij d

Item y give to every of my godchildren iiij d

Item y will that my executrix do yerly receive the profitt of my messuage or Tenmnt callyd Crofts lande thereto apptainynge lying on the North Side of the Ryver then untill william my son be of the full age of xxij yeres

Item y will and give the said Mesuage or rent of Crofts land the land thereto being as is aforesaid to my second son william Strudwicke and his heirs To have and to hold the sayde underwood tenement and land therto appertayninge unto the said william my son his heirs and assignes for ever

Item whereas having by this my present last will gyven and grantyd my said messuage of croftes and other the premisses to the said William Strudwick and his heirs I will that Roberte Strudwick my eldest sone shall make a good and a sufficient assurance in value in ffull amount of all my Messuage and Lande thereto apptayninge or belongynge thereto called foxbrige unto the said william his brother and to the heirs of the said william for ever when the said william shalbe of full age of xxij yeres at the proper coste and charge in the lawe of the said Roberte and his heirs and in recompence therof the said william Strudwyke to ? and yeld uppon the said Roberte and his heirs all his whole interest and title of the Messuage or Tenement of croftes aforesaid and the lands therto appertayninge withe appertenances This is my very mind that my two sons should do when they shall accomplyshe the full age of xxij yeres as is aforesaid yf they can uppon the which they so concord and agre

Item y give and wylle to Margaret my wife my Mansyon house of Idhurst with all the land therto appertayning and also certayn land thereto within beinge parcell of my said mead of Croftes To have and to hold the said Mansion house of Idhurst with the land thereto appertayninge as also the said land and woods of croftes to Margaret my said wife for term of her naturall lyfe but that she kepe her sole and unmarried And if she happen to marry then to have but my said mansion howse and land of Idhurst only during her said natural Lyfe and the land being parcell of Croftes to remayn remayn to Roberte my said son and his heires forever ymmediatly after the day of the said margaret my wife

Item y will that my said wife and daughters unmarried do receyve and take ye profitt of my leas of Crowche land and Bettesffold untyll Roberte my said son be of the age of xxi years Then I will that Roberte and William my said sonnes shall have the said land equally between them.

Item y will and gyve to Roberte & william my said sonnes each of them aforesaid of all impliments appertayninge Also y give to the saide Roberte and his brother William the profyt of my glasse howse with all the beches that I have bought and halfe the beeches being in and uppon Idehurst and Croftes aforesaid untill ? Roberte my said son be of the age of xxij yeres

Then I will them the saide Roberte and William to equably divide between them all and every such implement as there is there occupied as ovens irons and and other thynges necessary to the said glasse howse belonginge

Item y wyll that all the Residue of my woods and land but that part which I assigned aforesaid be divyded in thre parts of the whole iij parts I give one of these to margaret my said wife

Item y give thother ij parts equally amongst my said daughters unmarried

Item y make margaret my said wife my sole executrix of my last will and Testament to see my debts and legacies truly performed and paid

finally I ordayne and make John Biddiffold of Alford and William Strudwick my son-in-lawe my overseers of this my last will and y gyve to each of them for their paynes x s In witness wherof y the said Henry Strudwick have made this my just last will to be put in writings in the presence of Mr William Eliat curat Richard Holt William Strudwyke and Thomas Coplyn on this the day and yere above said.

Probate 4 December 1557