
In the name of God amen I Edward Stredwick of New Shoreham in the County of Sussex Shipwright belonging to her Majesties Ship Jersey being in bodily health and sound and disposing mind and memory praised be Almighty God for the same considering the uncertainty of this life and the many perills and dangers of the seas Doe for avoiding all controversies after my decease make publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to say

ffirst and principally I commend my soul into the hand of almighty God my Creator and my body I committ to the Earth or Seas as it shall please God to order or appoint and as touching the disposall of my temporall Estate and Earthly Substance I give devise and bequeath the same as followeth Imprimus

I will and appoint that all my just debts and ffunerall charges and expenses (if any) shall be first paid and discharged by my executrix and Overseers of this my will herein after named

Item all the rest and residue of my ready money bills bonds Tickets Wages Summe and Summes of money Goods Chattells and Estate whatsoever wherewith at the time of my decease I am possessed or Invested ar which shall then in any wise appertaine to me I give and devise and bequeaththe same unto my well beloved Daughter Elizabeth Stredwick whom I appoint full exectrix of this my Will and I doe appoint and hereby nominate my loveing Brother and Sister Thomas Alderton of Shoreham aforesaid Lobourer and Elizabeth his wife overseers and Executors in Trust of this my last will and Testament To whose Care Custody and Tuition I committ my said daughter untill she accomplish the age of one and twenty yeares or day of marriage which shall first happen and lastly i do hereby renounce and make void all former wills Testaments and deeds of gift whatsoever by me heretofore made and ratify these presents to be my last will and testament

in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the five and twentieth day of January Anno Domni 1709 Edward Stredwick Signed Sealed Published and Declared in the presence of Ffrancis Ffuller, Wm Vincent, John Grover xxxxxxx

Probatum Thomas Alderton