
This is the last will and testament of me Thomas Stredwick of the town Folkestone in the County of Kent Staymaker being of sound mind memory and understanding praised be Almighty God for the same do make publish and declare this to be my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say)

Ffirst and principally I recommend my soul to the hands of Almighty God and as to my worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased Almighty God bless me I give and devise and dispose thereof in manner and form following (that is to say)

Ffirst I will direct and desire that all such just debts that I shall owe at the time of my decease my funeral expenses or charges of proving this my will be in the first place paid and discharged and I do here by subject and charge all my estate both real and personal with a payment thereof and after payment thereof I give the give and devise unto my brother in law John Gill the elder of Folkestone aforesaid surgeon and my nephew John Gill the younger son of the said John Gill the elder all and every my messuages tenements lands hereditaments whatsoever and also all my money securities and monies goods chattels and all other my real and personal states whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind the same be that I may die possessed of or anyways entitled unto at the time of my decease to hold the same unto the said John Gill the elder and John Gill the younger and the survivor of them and the heirs and assigns of such survivor upon this special trust and confidence nevertheless and to and for the several ends uses intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned expressed and declare (that is to say)

in the first place to permit and suffer my dear wife Susanna and her assigned to have receive and take the rents issues and profits interest and proceeds of all and singular my said messuages and tenements hereditaments monies securities the money and the use of all my household goods and chattels whatsoever and of all other my real and personal states for and during the term of a natural life she and they committing no spoil or waste but keeping all my said messuages and buildings in good and tenantable repair and not in any manner diminishing spoiling or making away with any of the said real or personal estates

And from and immediately after her decease then upon trust to sell and dispose of all my said messuages tenements and hereditaments goods chattels and other my estate both real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kinds soever the same be at the best price or prices that can or may be had or obtained for the same and the money arising therefrom after deducting all reasonable costs charges expenses occasioned thereby I direct devise and bequeath the same in manner and form following (that is to say)

one fourth part thereof to my daughter Susanna the wife of Williame Boorn

one other fourth part thereof to my daughter Elizabeth Stredwick

one other fourth part thereof to my daughter Rebecca the wife of Anthony Warman

and the remaining fourth part thereof to my daughter Catherine Oliver the wife of Ffrancis Tapley but in case either of my said daughters shall die in the lifetime of my said wife or before such sale or distribution made as aforesaid and shall leave any issue of her or their body or bodies lawfully begotten then it is my will and intention and I do give device and bequeath the part or share of her or them dying as aforesaid unto and amongst such child and children that she or they shall so leave be equally divided between them share and share alike to be paid to such child and children respectively as the child or children shall respectively attained the age of 21 years in case either of my said daughters shall happen to die in the life of my said wife or before such sale and distribution thereof made as aforesaid leaving no issue of her body or bodies lawfully forgotten as aforesaid then it is my will and intention that the share or shares of her or them so dying without issue as aforesaid shall go to and the equally divided between the survivor and survivors of my daughters and the said children of such of them as may happen to be dead in the same manner as the original share or shares is before directed to be divided between them

and I do declare that my said trustees or thel survivor of them shall be answerable and accountable to any sum of money other than what he or they shall respectively actually receive and that neither of them shall be answerable from the acts and deeds of the other of them but each to his own acts and deeds only

And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said Susanna my wife and the said John Gill the Elder and John Gill the younger executors of this my last will hereby revoking all former other wills by me at any time heretofore made and declare this only to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I the said Thomas Stredwick testator have to this my last will and testament containing two sheets of paper in the first thereof set my hand and to this last my hand and seal this seventh day of March in the year of our lord 1781, Thomas Stredwick

signed sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Stredwick intestate or as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request to the presence of each other subscribe our names as witnesses Stephen Kennett Henry Ffurley Jos Munk

Probatum 26th of March 1804 to John Gill the younger, the surviving executor